CRYSTAL BALL! Casting Alert: DoNormaal as Krystal Ball

Announcing DoNormaal

CRYSTAL BALL! Casting Alert!

When you need a poetic, lovely, and thoughtful person with a truly off-beat sense of humor and style to play a love-lorn psychic, you only make one call: DoNormaal!!!

The poet laureate of modern Hip Hop, DoNormaal makes play dough of your soul, squeezing and twisting you into colorful shapes you can’t unwind from. Triumph after triumph, DoNormaal cannot be pigeonholed, changing directions and texture with every endeavor—and now acting.

After acting in a small role in Fantasy A Gets a Mattress, playing the role of Krystal the Vampire, DoNormaal returns as another Krystal—KRYSTAL BALL! The titular character and the sensible heart of CRYSTAL BALL!, Krystal experiences love, familial craziness, bus-related nightmares, and and makes homemade holograms!

The Dr. Clean team is beyond excited to be filming with DoNormaal on CRYSTAL BALL! in 2025!

Fantasy A on DoNormaal: “No one is cooler than DoNormaal!”


2024 Year in Review


Fantasy A Gets a Mattress is returning to the UK!